Monday, July 5, 2010
Saturday, May 15, 2010
The Advantages of Computer Photo Paper
But because a computer photo specialty papers, you might ask? Why not print each copy on paper? Please note that no one prevents you from printing photos on plain paper. What you did wrong and you're also cheating your memories. Remember why it took these pictures is to capture a moment in time that may not recur. The problem posed above can be resolved only through research on behalf of the card. It is a type of paper specially designed for the computer to print photos.
It is easy to find photos printed using appropriate paper and printed with plain paper copy because of its many advantages. Images printed using the right materials are stronger lights and deeper blacks among many others. They also invigorates the skin smoother, richer colors, better contrast and more realistic excellent detail. All these things can be summarized by saying that it produces better pictures.
There are a lot more to consider when it comes to using a computer photo paper like substance of the document or the document itself. Using a photo glossy paper simulate traditional photographic, however, there are three different types to choose to produce images more artistic. Matte paper produces images with sharper images and brighter colors. reduce glare satin paper and can withstand fingerprints, while the glossy paper produces vivid colors and rich skin tones.
Whatever type of computer card you choose, so polished, shiny, matte or satin, in general, this document is for printing photos using a computer printout. Eventually, it will produce a better impression with the appropriate paper.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
The Advantages of Free FTP Programs
File Transfer Protocol or FTP is a method of transmitting data between computers via the Internet. The most obvious benefit of FTP is the truth that you can enjoy the benefits of FTP client software or with the initial investment decisions. While you can transfer data via e-mail will not be a good option for data or for a large number of files. FTP software can also be used to download data from one computer to a server. This is essential because, for a website to be available online, you want a server. With an FTP program, you do not need the services of a professional. There are also open-source FTP server, for some specific platforms and for various other operating systems. Some of these servers can be easily managed by the server GUI, while others require a command line. This means that there is no need to spend a penny for all your FTP solutions. A free FTP software is very easy to work. The process can be very easy because all you need to do is drag the file. All data goes to the FTP server, which has a very massive capacity. You can then access the data via FTP or customer, or through a browser. No data are available permanently or briefly is whether the option is an automatic delete. To access an FTP site is as simple as access to any other website. The only difference is simply that it begins with "ftp://" instead of "http://". However, you need a login ID and password. Once inside the site, we discover what is similar to what is a computer "My Documents". There are several limitations in access based on administrator and determining if the site gives you what you need. Options could include things such as the transfer of data, including files, change and delete files. With a free FTP program, you can download the audio stream. This is essential because you should use audio to improve your site and you can also sell digital files online. Free FTP programs is useful because there are many choices available. If you understand how to work with an FTP client, not a question of working with others why, but the interface can vary from customer to customer, knowledge is similar. The fact that there are many options out there means that you can get the client that meets your specific needs. FTP client that is developed free open-source programs, meaning that withstand rigorous testing and intensive monitoring of results. With a free FTP program, you can synchronize FTP. This makes transferring files over a network or online faster. You can also perform functions such as monitoring and planning files. FTP Sync allows you to create backup copies of data - such operations are performed automatically when you save data on your hard disk.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Blow Your Pictures - Convert JPG Files to Vector
Monitor cell is made of small squares called pixels, and images generated from these cells, small size and distance of each cell in the image quality - a small and close better. This significant increase in the size of the file needed to store the data.
When an image Enlarged image and the number of pixels is stored the same number increases each pixel of the image making the eyes look weird. This means that the small picture becomes grainy when zooming in or out. More detailed than the criteria
Jpg vector designed to eliminate this problem, store vector graphics shapes, lines and colors that compose an image as a mathematical formula. When the vector program recreates formula Enlarge image has created the best screens on the screen of
This means that, from a vector recreates images using a mathematical formula can be any size as long as the license resolution size. Printing paper, such a clear, crisp images with higher resolution than that. Display screen.
Jpg vector conversion software often very expensive. Cheaper person has a limited color reproduction.
Jpg vector with a capacity of color are not limited open source software can solve the problem. Follow the instructions carefully.
Is a vector of the image of open source software called Inkscape.
2 Click on the link to download and run programs installed on your computer.
3 After the installation, the Open Program "does not know very necessary click", it is very easy to use.
4 Select "File" from the menu at the top and import "a" jpg, select the file you want to convert and continue.
5 From the drop - down, "path, select" and "Trace Bitmap" This action will open the window to adjust the various parameters and examples. Changes on the right.
6 Select 'options, colors, and increase the number of' scan 'several times.
7 Click increasing Menu Update, the number of scans will increase the file size and speed of information for the document to play with the display settings as required and update your photo regularly.
8 Image capture is your online an.eps jpg vector!
Monday, May 3, 2010
My Security Engine Virus Removal
My security engine is a rogue antispyware program that spreads on computer systems using Trojan horses and once inside try to do everything to convince computer users into buying a full version of a program. Once it invades, the application displays numerous false security alerts to say about the system detected infections, and recommend the activation of my security engine to prevent data loss and theft prevention personal data and credit card. In reality, this is information that has nothing in common with the truth. In addition, the Trojan horse infected with the virus that creates a group of files that have no function but are harmless. Later, when the program runs the scanning system, these files appear as threats detected and the program offers to buy my engine safety, get rid of them. No matter how it seems convincing, beware that this scanner is that the security notifications and fake pop up ads from this dangerous virus. Ignore then instead of taking care to remove my security engine has seen his first tracks on the system. If you have already made a payment for this malware application, please contact your credit card company to dispute the charges. You certainly do not want to voluntarily pay for the hacker. To remove the security engine can use my guide to moving this virus. This will eliminate the program manually thugs. However, safety experts recommend scanning your system with an antispyware program to remove legitimate wee viruses and more infection.
Friday, April 23, 2010
3 Ways a Keystroke Logger Keeps Computer Users Safe
Il logger è efficace nel mantenere sicuri i computer e gli utenti in tre modi. Essa consente una facile gestione, efficace e dipendente, la custodia dei bambini e degli adolescenti in modo sicuro, e aiuta a proteggere contro le minacce online e dai ladri. Prendere uno sguardo in profondità su come un software di monitoraggio computer viene utilizzato in questi tre settori.
Utilizzando un keystroke logger per la gestione del personale
Alcune persone potrebbero pensare che il computer utilizzando un software per monitorare il lavoro dei rumori sospetti. Tuttavia, i computer e accesso a Internet sono attivi per un business come un altro pezzo di materiale o anche il denaro in banca. Ogni azienda dovrebbe essere quello di proteggere i loro beni e non è considerato sospetto di conciliare le spese alla fine del mese. Tuttavia, la maggior parte dei lavoratori non potrà mai creare un problema, ma la conservazione delle risorse di calcolo e di protezione delle informazioni sensibili è fondamentale.
Un keylogger consente al datore di lavoro per vedere dove le loro risorse del computer vengono utilizzati. Assicurarsi che i dipendenti sono un uso produttivo delle risorse aziendali e il loro tempo ha un impatto tangibile sulla linea di fondo. software di monitoraggio di computer, è facile rintracciare i siti web sono accessibili, quali file sono trasferiti, e anche controllare i programmi e documenti che sono aperti.
Tutte le minacce contro l'azienda con risorse provenienti da un atto volontario da parte di un dipendente. Non è raro che per un concorrente per cercare di ottenere un vantaggio nel trattamento di un dipendente a rivelare segreti commerciali o altre informazioni sensibili. A volte questi attacchi sono ancora più deliberato tentativo di un utente a scaricare un virus o altri programmi che potrebbero compromettere la rete aziendale. Con un logger di battitura che può controllare e-mail e instant messaging fornisce ai dipendenti un ulteriore livello di protezione contro le minacce.
Tenere i bambini e ragazzi Safe Online
Un keylogger è anche contribuito a tenere bambini e ragazzi online sicuro. Questo tipo di software per computer di controllo permette ai genitori di vedere facilmente, uno sguardo, in cui i loro figli online. Inoltre, un key logger cattura anche tutto ciò che fanno su Facebook, MySpace e altri siti di social networking. Permette anche un genitore di vedere ciò che i loro figli sono alla ricerca online e se hanno accesso a contenuti inappropriati. Hanno anche controllare se il bambino è in visita a siti Web che potrebbero contenere virus pericolosi e di altri programmi, potrebbero essere il download o l'uso.
A volte i bambini online possono rivelare informazioni sensibili sia per gli stranieri e gli amici senza capire quello che fanno. Un keylogger registra anche tutte le loro e-mail e conversazioni IM e genitori offre l'opportunità di avere una discussione di ciò che è opportuno condividere mentre si parla o navigare online.
Protezione contro le minacce online
Ogni computer connesso a Internet può essere una passività potenziali di sicurezza. Poiché la maggior parte le persone e negozio on-line banking, i dati finanziari vengono memorizzati sul computer. Se un ladro può entrare in possesso di informazioni che può essere utilizzato per rubare i soldi e l'identità complessiva, anche una persona. Tutte queste minacce sono facili da notare, ma un software di monitoraggio computer li cattura.
Un keylogger catturerà tutti sito web visite e conversazioni che ogni membro della famiglia è stato in linea. I ladri di identità a volte prova a incitare noi per rivelare informazioni tramite e-mail e messaggi istantanei e, talvolta, andare anche oltre nel tentativo di farci scaricare virus. Tutto questo, da e-mail a file e l'attività del programma, può essere catturato e innescare una bandiera rossa con il software di monitoraggio.
Queste minacce includono anche quelle che potrebbero tentare di danneggiare i bambini. Sebbene non sia piacevole pensare, ci sono truffe online che si nascondono. Avere una conversazione onesta con i nostri figli è il primo passo per prevenire qualcosa che accade, ma un key logger fornirà 24 / 7 di sorveglianza, anche contro le minacce più insidiose.
In definitiva, un software di monitoraggio computer è progettato per proteggere i computer ei loro utenti sicuri. Sono in grado di svolgere tale compito a casa o al lavoro. La traccia di quello che facciamo sui nostri computer è essenziale per individuare e prevenire i rischi.
Chris Harmen è un produttore per NetBus, una sicurezza informatica premier e la società di sorveglianza che si specializza nel fornire keylogger computer di monitoraggio efficaci e soluzioni software.
10 Reasons Why C is the Best Programming Language For Beginners
Here Are the Reasons Why C is a great programming language to begin with:
1. You can not learn Java or C directly.
For you to learn and master C. and Java languages, you Should Have a rock-solid concept of the elements of programming like classes, polymorphism, inheritance, and others. Come to think about it, "How Will you learn concepts like Complicated thesis if you are not familiar with Even the basic elements of computer programming? The Language That starts from scratch is c and Its foundational concepts are the Basis of Any Other programming concepts We Have thesis days.
2. It Is The Basis of C, C #, and Java.
C and C # are programming languages based on C. Java syntax Also derivatives ITS and programming concept from C. This Is Known as the world's most dominant programming language and it est aussi Derived from C language.
3. Programs that Need Object Oriented Programming (OOP) are in cash en C.
Java, C #, OOP and C employed. Powerful Despite Being, not all programs use it and are giving further Utilizing it in cash en C. Still
4. C Boast unbeatable performance.
When It Comes to speed of execution, C is Still unmatched.
5. Most shares of Linux, Windows, and Unix are in cash en C.
So if you want to program thesis OS, or if you wish to Have Your programs run in "the said operating systems, Better Be Familiar with C.
6. Drivers of modern gadgets are in cash en C.
Why is this so? Well Simply Because C Gives users access to the computer's basic elements. It Also Provides you with direct access to your CPU's memory by moyen de pointers. You can use C to control Also bits and bytes.
7. Mobile phones, PDAs, palmtops and Other handheld devices as well as "appliance are Becoming More Popular Than Ever.
You May Not Be aware of it, aim your handheld devices and home appliances peut CPU Requires That Has programming and embedded system software have dubbed programs.
8. Most PC games have employees c Their foundation.
No One Will Be Interested in games if It Takes Too Much Time commands for what is. C is Used to make quick fast and Things.
9. C is regarded as mid-level language.
Programming languages are Categorized Into Three - Low Level, Middle Level, and High Level. Aside from Being user-oriented, high level languages make Aussi Development of programs fast enough. Machine-oriented, low level languages execute programs faster. Middle level languages like C combined the best attributes of the high and low level languages.
10. C Is a block-structured language.
This Means Every code is in cash en block and Separate Is Not connected with the code block in the next. With this, you can make cutting easier programming and you can minimize the possibilities of Unnecessary side effects.
With the above-Mentioned Reasons, You Still Have Doubts C why C is the best computer programming language for beginners?
To learn more about computer programming, Including how you can get started writing your Own programs today, Check Out
Saturday, April 17, 2010
HD Camcorders and the iPad
Aspetta, che cosa stavamo parlando di nuovo? Perché ogni parola dopo "Videocamere HD sono ..." nella prima frase sembra applicarsi ogni punta tanto al iPad come dispositivo amato riprese. Pensateci. fratelli da tempo perduto? Forse più come lontani cugini. Perché videocamere HD e la iPad non sono affatto significato per lo stesso scopo, né invocare la commercializzazione. Ma in qualche modo essi suscitano una sensazione simile e il comportamento da loro proprietari e se si dispone di uno di loro, è probabile che ad un certo punto ti possiedono gli altri. Dato che, si potrebbe anche solo farla finita e imparare ora come unire questi due membri della famiglia insieme. The iPad non può (ancora) riprodurre i video direttamente dalla videocamera, ma con un piccolo sforzo, si può facilmente convertire i video HD in formati video supportati iPad. Con questo tipo di croccante, di capacità di visualizzazione bello, si può anche fare che venire famiglia cross-country viaggio su strada un po 'più sopportabile. Ecco come partenza, arrivo e visualizzare:
1. Sul computer normale (non iPad), scaricare il "Moyea iPad HD Video Converter". Installazione e lancio. Facile finora, giusto?
2. Trascinate e rilasciate i video camcorder-registrati, che devono essere convertiti dal tuo computer il programma Moyea. Una volta che sei lì, sei pronto per personalizzarli per le impostazioni iPad di vostra scelta.
3. Selezionare un formato di output che è compatibile con te iPad (ad esempio *. mp4 in quanto il iPad può svolgere video HD 720p). Fare clic su "Impostazioni" per impostare i parametri di output e utilizzare le seguenti impostazioni predefinite per l'iPad: video (codec H264, formato 1280 * 720, Bizrate 4000, Frame 30); audio (codec AAC, Sample Rate 48000, Bizrate 16000, canali stereo ).
4. Conversione di distanza. Fare clic sul pulsante "Start" per eseguire la conversione. Una volta che è finito, importare i nuovi formati video per il tuo iPad e godersi il panorama.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Cooler Master 750 Watt GX PSU
- Compliance with the latest Intel standard ATX 12V V 2.31.
- Single +12V rail for the most demanding SLI configurations.
- High efficiency design that meets 80 Plus requirements (85% typical).
- Ultra-silent operation with intelligent 120mm fan speed control.
- Multiple protection design (OVP/UVP/OPP/OTP/SCP).
- High reliability (MTBF >1000,000 hours).
- Double layer EMI Filter restrains noise and injury to end-user.
- Huge bulk capacitor for hold up time >17ms at full loading.
- Integrating Active PFC with PWM combo controller not only make PFC higher than 0.99, but also raises efficiency.
- Efficient transformer for reducing 5Vsb power loss when the system is at turn-off and sleep modes.
- Five-year warranty.
Model | RS750-ACAAE3-US |
Type | Intel Form Factor ATX 12V V2.31 |
PFC | Active PFC (>0.9) |
Input Voltage | 90-264Vac (Auto Range) |
Input Current | 10A@115Vac, 6A@230Vac |
Input Frequency Range | 47-63Hz |
Output Capacity | 750W |
Max. Output Capacity | 900W |
Fan | 120mm |
Power Good Signal | 100~500ms |
Hold Up Time | >17ms |
Efficiency | 85% typical |
MTBF | >100,100 hours |
Protection | OVP / UVP / OPP / OTP / SCP |
Dimension | 150 x 140 x 86, (5.9 x 5.5 x 3.4 inch) |
Operation Temperature | 0~40 °C (Nominal Input Voltage) |
Regulatory | TUV / CE / UL / FCC / BSMI/ GOST / C-tick / CCC / KCC |
Certification | 80 Plus /SLI |
Connector | 20+4 Pin MB x1 4+4 Pin CPU 12V x 1 6+2 Pin PCI-e x2 SATA X9 4 Pin Peripheral x3 4 Pin Floppy x1 |
Warranty | 5 year |
UPC Code | 884102007590 |
Testing Methodology
Test Setup &Testing Methodology | |
CPU | Intel Core i5 750 Lapped |
Motherboard | GIGABYTE P55A-UD4P |
Case | SIlverStone Raven RV-02 |
Memory | GSkill RipJaw |
Video Card's | Sapphire 5870 Vapor X, Gigabyte 275GTX Super Overclock+EVGA 275GTX |
Hard Drives | Patriot SSD 128 Gig, 2 Seagate Momentus 320 Raid 0, 1 Western Digital 160 Gig, 1 Western Digital 160 Gig E-SATA |
CDRom Drive | Lite On Blue Ray |
Power Supply | Cooler Master GX 750 watt, SilverStone 1200 watt Zeus |
CPU Speeds Used | 4.2GHz |
Operating System Used | Microsoft Windows 7 Retail |
Video Card Cooler | Water and stock cooled |
CPU Cooler | Modified Danger Den MC-TDX custom water cooled |
Results | ||||||
Power Rail | Cooler Master GX 750W | SilverStone 1200W ZEUS | ||||
Idle | Load | Idle | Load | |||
Main 3.3v | 3.41V | 3.38V | 3.38V | 3.36V | ||
Main 5v | 5.06V | 5.06V | 5.11V | 5.13V | ||
Main 12v | 12.40V | 12.35V | 12.21V | 12.15V | ||
EPS 1 12v | 12.40V | 12.36V | 12.22V | 12.18V | ||
EPS 2 12v | N/A | N/A | 12.21V | 12.16V | ||
PCI-E 1 12v | 12.40V | 12.36V | 12.20V | 12.18V | ||
PCI-E 2 12v | 12.41V | 12.35V | 12.19V | 12.15V | ||
PCI-E 3 12v | 12.41V | 12.35V | 12.21V | 12.18V | ||
PCI-E 4 12v | 12.40V | 12.36V | 12.20V | 12.18V | ||
PCI-E 5 12v | N/A | N/A | 12.20V | 12.19V | ||
PCI-E 6 12v | N/A | N/A | 12.19V | 12.17V | ||
SATA 12v | 12.41V | 12.39V | 12.20V | 12.20V | ||
SATA 5v | 5.06V | 5.06V | 5.12V | 5.11V | ||
SATA 3.3v | 3.42V | 3.39V | 3.37V | 3.37V | ||
Molex 12v | 12.40V | 12.40V | 12.21V | 12.19V | ||
Molex 5v | 5.06V | 5.06V | 5.13V | 5.13V |
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Kingston HyperX 24G and CMD 24G
HyperX 1600 24GB DDR3
It seems that Kingston will answer some prayers, as this memory giant prepares to launch 24GB memory kits at Cebit. Some ultra high end users have been requesting such products for quite some time and after Cebit this crazy kit should become available.
Kingston believes that 24GB memory should be great for general performance and workstation applications, photo, video and 3D rendering. This memory will have its followers but it probably won’t cost pennies.
Product Description
High-density 24GB Dominator kit for Core i7 systems. 1333MHz, 9-9-9-24, 1.6vKey Features
- Maximize your system memory capacity for the maximum performance
- Guaranteed to work on all Intel Core i7 Bloomfield platforms
- Matching Intel Blue Heat Sinks with patented DHX technology
Package Contents
Six 4GB memory modules tested at 1333MHz, 9-9-9-24 latency, on X58-based motherboard & Dominator Airflow Fan with 60mm fans.System Requirements
Designed for use with Core i7 performance motherboards with three memory channels.USD $1349.99
Credit :
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
"Quality" is always the essence of Lancool's products, All products are manufactured in Taiwan by Lian-Li and distributed to worldwide markets.
The DragonLoad K serires builds LanCool’s high standard of Quality requirement. This SECC steel cases features a red interior with completely tool-less design are the perfect complement to a PC gamer’s needs, Use the 0.8mm SECC steel panel and high quality plastic, DragonLoad K serires is your best choise all over the market.
The cutting edge tool-less design is an important key feature in 2009 LanCool cases. LanCool designer considered end user requirements, like those who need to build systems faster, or swap out components often. The brand new tool-less modules can make users’ life much more convenient.
The idea of LanCool K serires's is from DragonLoad, design by modem way ,
The hardware installation with Dragon Load K62R1 is very easy and simple. The front panel and top panel are detachable and they can be removed without tools.
The Dragon Load K62R1 is targeted for the LAN party gamers. It is a mid-tower case, which is ideal for the latest graphics cards in combination with the best thermal dynamics. All the internal installation can be done without tools, and is easily adjustable to optimize your hardware setup. Especially in the advent of adding in new graphics cards, equipped with 8 PCI slots, can hold three or more graphics cards, supports CrossfireX™ and 3-way SLI™.
The new internal layout has the motherboard on top of the power supply unit, which allows for easier access to the motherboard as well as more room above, thus larger CPU coolers can be used. The power supply unit at the button of the case is cooled with fresh cool air directly from the outside of the case, instead of pre-heated air from within. This will bring down the core temperatures and extend the lifespan of the PSU significantly.
To install motherboard require no tools, use tool-less screw to screw a motherboard on case, easily and quickly.
The Dragon Load K62R1 is equipped with large cooling fans, with low RPM, which still provide enough air flow to cool down the hardware adequately. The front 140mm intakes red LED fan runs . The top two silent 140mm fans exhaust the hot air out, and the rear 120mm red LED fan extracts the hot air out.
The fans on the top panel are mounted with Lian Li’s new anti-vibration fan mounting system; the rubber ring grommet absorbs the vibration, keeping the case silent.
The new 5.25” bay tool-less mounting incorporates a mounting bar equipped with rubber padding. After secure the mounting bar, the rubber pad pushes and holds the 5.25” device in position to secure and absorb vibration from the device.
The too-less HDD cage combines with patented anti-vibration rubber grommets to suspend the HDD’s in a noise free environment. The two buckls on both side to hold the HDD in position, also absorb and reduce vibrations.
The aluminum PCI tool-less mounting module is equipped with a rubber pad which can hold the graphics card firmly while closing the gap found in the PCI bracket and PCI slot to reduce noise from escaping air and furthermore reduce vibrations.
The Power Supply has rubber pads for both insulation and support. The mounting clip is also aligned with rubber to reduce vibrations but also and also secure the PSU without scratching the painted surface.
There are�special air intake vents at the front of the case, allow cold air to enter , also keep system noise inside the case.
There are four rubber grommets between the HDD cage and HDD, avoid HDD directly contact the HDD cage, absorb and reduce vibrations, keep the noise down.
Dragon Load K62R1 inputs cold air by the 140mm red LED intake fan, There are also vents on the 5.25” bezels, allow cold air to enter the case to cool the system down.
The two 140mm fans on the top cover and the 120mm red LED fan at the rear exhaust the hot air out from the system. The fans cover the whole motherboard, and they can remove the heat fast.
The rear 120mm red LED exhaust fan just next to the CPU, it can remove the hot air out fast and silently.
There are vents on the PCI slots, provids extra cooling to graphics card.
The power supply unit is at the bottom of the case. It can draw in cold air directly through the vent below the power supply unit. This cooler, fresh air will keep your PSU components more cool and stable and thus extend the PSU lifecycle.
Dragon Load K62R1 supports liquid cooling system, the two holes at the rear of the case allows water tubes to pass through, and the rubber cover can protect the tubes away from cutting.
The Dragon Load K62R1 feature a high density vent design, to make sure fans remove the system hot air out of the case totally.
Fan speed controller for adjust fan speed from 800-1180RPM. User can choose the fan speed to get the best cooling or silent performance.
2009 has seen an all-new tool-less design from Dragon Load K series chassis. To do this required a great many innovative patents to be filed worldwide. The ideas will make installing and maintenance much easier. For example when installing the 5.25” optical drive, just slide the drive into the 5.25” bay, and close the mounting bar to secure the optical drive, as simple as that.
The installation of the hard disk is very easy, and tool-less. Place the hard disk into the aluminum cage, and fasten the bucks to secure the hard disk.(2.5" HDD install feasible), Slide the hard disk within the cage into the special hard disk rack with the rubber suspension grommet.
To install PCI add-on cards require no tools at all. Simply open the aluminum arm of the tool-less PCI add-on card holder, insert the add-on card to the motherboard slots, and close the aluminum arm to hold the add-on card in position. The additional rubber padding on the aluminum arm assists in gripping the card bracket and securing it firmly.
To install PSU require no tools. Simply open the aluminum PSU holder, insert the PSU in position, also can turn PSU's fans up or down to suit your need, then close the aluminum PSU holder.
The fans on the top panel are mounted with special screws with rubber ring suspension grommets. These allow easy access and removal of the fan for cleaning or service.
There is an air filter at the base of the case to stop dust from entering the case. The filter is washable. The vents are specially designed to retard heat and fire crossover should a short circuit cause sparks and excessive heat within your system. This feature is designed to prevent the problem from spreading outside your case should the unlikely event occur with your components.
The intake fans are aligned with inlet holes on the bezels. These are equipped with air filters to stop the dust and keep the internals dust free and clean.
Credit :
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Fastest SATA hard drive
on the planet
multi-drive chassis.
a halogen-free design.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Cooler Master V10 CPU Cooler
Cooler Master V10 CPU Cooler
If one things for sure, there truly seems to be a never-ending supply of new and innovative CPU coolers at our perusal. Just when you think they've thought of everything, something completely different lands on my desk, just waiting to be punished. Luckily, the excitement of pushing the latest releases to the brink of meltdown has yet to leave me.I have quite often pondered just how heat removal capacity could be harnessed with air-cooling designs. Cooler Master has established a strong and solid presence in the aftermarket cooling world, and having been around for 10+ years, it is not hard to see their highly-focused efforts in providing strong and dependable cooling solutions. From heat sinks and fans to full-featured PC towers, they have something for everyone.
On my desk today is the V10 CPU cooler. With 10 heat pipes, dual fans and a variable TEC plate (Thermoelectric cooling) there is no doubt as to the purpose of this monster: rip as much heat as possible out of your processor. This is Cooler Master's first TEC hybrid design and they have taken a different approach by pairing up this potent technology with air cooling.
Closer Look
Considering that I was already well-aware of the specifications of the V10, I must admit that the sheer size of it still makes my eyes bulge. Once out of the box, I got my first glimpse of the beast in all its glory. The large full cover shroud grabs your attention with its chrome detailing. This thing is a monster.Flipping it around we get a glimpse of the TEC controller and the fan wiring. I really appreciated the fact that the fans are wired together keeping the clutter down to a single 4-pin PWM-capable connector which can find its home directly on your motherboard header. This angle also gives you a better look at the TEC.
Looking down at the top exposes the down-blowing fan which not only blows across 4 of the large heat pipes but also your motherboard. Most if not all motherboard designs place the memory squarely in this area as well as the CPU power circuitry, so the double-duty nature is a nice touch. The fan grill is solid and will protect anything that may try to come in contact with the fan.
Rolling it onto its side we now see the belly of the beast. There is another large surface area section with 2 more heat pipes protruding upwards. A second 120mm fan is ready and waiting to blow across this area and out towards the back of your case. Four of these pipes terminate in the bottom layer of the TEC sandwich. I appreciate the attention to detail and the very good build quality exhibited here.
By adjusting the angle in this next photo you get a better sense of how the heat pipes are oriented. The bends are quite smooth and almost ripple free. The TEC plate gets its power from the control module that resides directly over the CPU contact area.
Moving closer to the front allows us to take a better look at the heart of the V10. The pipes are laminated to the plate on the lower half of the TEC.
Peeling off the protective plastic from the mounting area allows us to check it for flatness and finish. I checked flatness with a metal ruler and found it to be nearly perfect and the finish itself was quite smooth. While it is not a mirror finish by any means I could not feel any imperfections at all. The protective layer did its job very well.
Included hardware was extensive and will allow use on virtually any platform available. The instruction sheets were very thorough. While it would have been nice to get a bit more, you get enough thermal paste to perform a single install.
So with that said, let's see how this beast will fit into our testing machine, and also check out some results, followed by my final thoughts.
CoolIT ECO A.L.C. Liquid CPU Cooler
The search for the perfect cooling solution for that new PC you're building never seems to end. Every manufacturer vouches to have the most efficient, quietest and cheapest solution available, and if we merely took their word for it, there would be no need to shop around.As of late, advertising has reached an unprecedented level with the overwhelming popularity of the Internet and people's ability to research a product down to its very last detail. Some days I almost (and I do mean almost) wish that we were not bombarded with so much information as it does lead to sensory overload causing even the simplest decision to be nearly impossible to make!
Whether you're choosing air or water cooling, there is one simple fact that always comes to the head of the pack: simplicity is a MUST. No one wants to go to be forced to go to engineering school to learn the proper way to install a CPU cooler and they want it to just work straight out of the box with little tinkering. While the enthusiast market is growing day by day with people becoming ever braver to try more difficult installs, there is still only a very small segment of the market willing to put in the effort, and rightfully so.
CoolIT has specialized in PC cooling and has products to cover pretty much any area of the current market. From TEC-based monsters to the venerable all-in-one water cooling solution, CoolIT has been very busy in doing its homework and listening to its customers to make sure it's in tune with what is expected in current products as well as future releases. Having tested its products before I can attest to the fact they do build quality stuff with a strong attention to detail and performance.
Today we get a look at the ECO A.L.C (Advanced Liquid Cooling). There was a time no so long ago that all-in-one solutions were scoffed at without a thought and were nearly ineffective and costly as well. Thankfully, that day is in the past and with releases such as the CoolIT Domino and the very successful Corsair H50 people are forced to take a long hard look at these types of coolers. I have said it many times in the past, water cooling is nearly unsurpassed with its ability to remove tremendous amounts of heat load without falling victim to heat soak. Multi-core processors have the uncanny ability to push their cooling solutions to their limits while overclocking pushes many past the point of failure.
With a simple design, CoolIT is once again setting the stage for another budget water vs. high-end air cooling battle. While we are not directly comparing the ECO to any air solution, we will give you all the facts you need to make the decision as to which way you should go for your next build. When the dust settles, I feel you just may be surprised at the results, so with no further ado, let's get the ECO A.L.C. out of its box and onto a CPU and let parts do the talking.
Closer Look
Shipped in a rather plain and colorless black and white box, the ECO is well packaged and protected in a solid foam clamshell. Just for giggles I even sat down on the box and it held all 200lbs of my weight without feeling like calamity was imminent. Once out of the packaging and onto the table we see that we are given a simple yet elegant cooling solution. The quality is readily apparent and without a doubt you can see the engineers did their homework.Focusing in on the pump/cup block once again shows off the clean lines and styling. The shroud has the CoolIT logo and part name printed on it and you can also see the simple yet effective thumbscrews used to attach it to the CPU socket. Should you prefer it, the screws are also able to be fastened using a Philips style screw driver.
The radiator is compact and has a solid feel. There is no flex in the metal and the finish is excellent. All of the connections are firm with no play so there is no worry the hoses could come loose once installed inside your case. To me, this is the main appeal of a pre-filled water cooling solution as most people are far too afraid of leaks when contemplating a custom-built water cooling loop.
While we are not given the exact specs of the included fan, I was happy to see it was of the 4-pin PWM style, meaning it will be able to be finely controlled by the motherboard's BIOS as nearly all current motherboards have very effective fan control features built in. This will further enhance the effectiveness while helping maintain quiet levels, should that be within the desired operating parameters.
The base of the High Performance FHE (Fluid Heat Exchanger) has micro channels that help maximize cooling potential. It also sports pre-applied thermal paste so you can skip the often messy step of applying it yourself. Also take note of the simple multi-mount tabs. All you have to do is pull up on the thumbscrew to slide the tabs into the position needed for your socket. I think this innovative design feature is top-notch and far better than shipping multiple brackets for the 3 main Intel sockets.
Here we see the rest of the included hardware which comprises the many back plates for the 3 Intel sockets as well as the required mounting tabs for AMD sockets and also the respective back plate. Four screws and a simple installation guide round out the included parts.
I cannot emphasize just how much the simplicity of this design impresses me. While I have built many custom water loops for my personal PC over the years, it was still a daunting task which took days to do properly. This sleek design is sure to be a big hit with the mass market as long as it works as well as it looks.
Now that we have shown you the goods, it's time to get it installed and see just what it's made of.