Hi-end Extreme

Friday, April 23, 2010

10 Reasons Why C is the Best Programming Language For Beginners

With the plethora of programming languages thesis days, & the mass Programming Information available in the Internet, it can Be difficulty for a beginner like you to know WHERE to start. When It Comes to programming language for beginners, C ya une excellent choice. Not only will it educate you of programming fundamentals, cette langue est aussi Powerful and Widely Used in the IS industrie today.

Here Are the Reasons Why C is a great programming language to begin with:

1. You can not learn Java or C directly.

For you to learn and master C. and Java languages, you Should Have a rock-solid concept of the elements of programming like classes, polymorphism, inheritance, and others. Come to think about it, "How Will you learn concepts like Complicated thesis if you are not familiar with Even the basic elements of computer programming? The Language That starts from scratch is c and Its foundational concepts are the Basis of Any Other programming concepts We Have thesis days.

2. It Is The Basis of C, C #, and Java.

C and C # are programming languages based on C. Java syntax Also derivatives ITS and programming concept from C. This Is Known as the world's most dominant programming language and it est aussi Derived from C language.

3. Programs that Need Object Oriented Programming (OOP) are in cash en C.

Java, C #, OOP and C employed. Powerful Despite Being, not all programs use it and are giving further Utilizing it in cash en C. Still

4. C Boast unbeatable performance.

When It Comes to speed of execution, C is Still unmatched.

5. Most shares of Linux, Windows, and Unix are in cash en C.

So if you want to program thesis OS, or if you wish to Have Your programs run in "the said operating systems, Better Be Familiar with C.

6. Drivers of modern gadgets are in cash en C.

Why is this so? Well Simply Because C Gives users access to the computer's basic elements. It Also Provides you with direct access to your CPU's memory by moyen de pointers. You can use C to control Also bits and bytes.

7. Mobile phones, PDAs, palmtops and Other handheld devices as well as "appliance are Becoming More Popular Than Ever.

You May Not Be aware of it, aim your handheld devices and home appliances peut CPU Requires That Has programming and embedded system software have dubbed programs.

8. Most PC games have employees c Their foundation.

No One Will Be Interested in games if It Takes Too Much Time commands for what is. C is Used to make quick fast and Things.

9. C is regarded as mid-level language.

Programming languages are Categorized Into Three - Low Level, Middle Level, and High Level. Aside from Being user-oriented, high level languages make Aussi Development of programs fast enough. Machine-oriented, low level languages execute programs faster. Middle level languages like C combined the best attributes of the high and low level languages.

10. C Is a block-structured language.

This Means Every code is in cash en block and Separate Is Not connected with the code block in the next. With this, you can make cutting easier programming and you can minimize the possibilities of Unnecessary side effects.

With the above-Mentioned Reasons, You Still Have Doubts C why C is the best computer programming language for beginners?

To learn more about computer programming, Including how you can get started writing your Own programs today, Check Out

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